Quick Solvers 3: PA Toe Point Calculator
Spreadsheet Solver for quick array toe X,Y calculations
Step By Step 2: Tuning
A step by step process for tuning the arena system designed in the previous post.
Quick Solvers 2: Amphitheater Arc Solver
A solver method to quickly create curved geometry spans in various prediction software.
Dimensional Focus: Horizontal Plane
Examining a design that requires special attention to the horizontal plane coverage.
Dimensional Focus: Vertical Plane
Examining a design that requires special attention in the vertical plane.
Quick Solvers 1: Front Fill Spacing, Sub Decorrelation, Log Delay Tapers
Using quick-solver spreadsheet calculations for loudspeaker spacing, subwoofer decorrelation, and beamsteering.
Taming Red Rocks
Sound system design notes from one of the world’s most iconic live music venues.
Zero Sum Game
An examination of an often-overlooked aspect of sound system engineering - how front fills are driven, and how the drive level changes as a result.
Fuzz At The Bottom
Insight into an often misunderstood aspect of line array high frequency behavior.
Shade and a Haircut
What we have here is a textbook example of array behavior before shading - we get louder and brighter as we get closer (progression from green to pink). Normalizing the traces in the low-mid range allows us to see the HF work that we have to do if our goal is tonal consistency - our bottom zone is about 4 dB bright above 2 kHz.